The Middle Kent

LDCC kent whitewater

River trip with LDCC

Paddle Report for Saturday 14th Dec. Given the news yesterday, its no wonder some people develop Friggatriskaidecaphobia ! A good paddle was needed and we got 1. Lots of water about, but given the crew, strong winds and poor light levels we opted for the River Kent from Burnside through Kendal to Scroggs Weir. It was on the low end of a mid level. Paddlers:- Paul, Dave, Simon, Darren, Rhi, Paul, special guest appearance from Alex Hill. And an eventual appearance of Alan and Steve. (I think they have problems with Dysania). After the shuttle, we all worked on our efficient ferry gliding skills, forwards and in reverse. The overcast but dry and calm start made progress easy as we worked on grabbing eddies, playing follow my leader.

Paul over-egged a breakout, propping myself upright with paddle, but got a kindly nudge from Alex to get me level again. A sheep trapped on the riverbank was not for being helped. We pressed on to the big weir in Kendal which was well covered by Simon and Alex on the side. Everybody got over fine. Lots of surfing to be had on the town features. People dialled into their own level of fun, sometimes with persuasion. Just a couple of swims today, each as a result of side surfing. The wind picked up and was cutting. Whilst getting changed there was a good flurry of ice crystal precipitation, (not to be confused with hail, a summer phenomenae, thanks Dave for the clarification). Thank you to the cake produced by Alan or Steve to liven up the change into dry gear. Thank you everyone for another good spirited club outing.

I had one swim after accidentally side surfing, whilst paddling through the middle of Kendal. I got pretty cold on the last section paddling to Scroggs Weir.