Sunny day for a park and play

halton rapids LDCC whitewater

A clear, sunny, autumnal day

I wasn’t feeling 100% on Saturday, so skipped the river trip to the Brathay and instead did a day of park and play at Halton. The playground at Halton is such a comfort for me. We’re really lucky to have it so close. I do wonder if I should push myself to do the river trips more - but today was a day for playing it safe.

I spent the morning with Dave, Emma and Jenny working on ferry gliding and breaking in and out below the islands. It was useful to observe Dave and get a feel for what challenges he was setting them. I chose lines which were maybe a little challenging initially so useful to remind me to set suitable goals. I paddled up to the islands to chat with Ribble and have a little play in the bigger flow. After lunch, I paddled with Emma & Jenny, this time supervised by Gibbi. We let Jenny & Emma choose routes joining up eddies and then practising some S-turns. Again I had a little play just above the islands, Dave even persuaded me to do a teeeny bit of surfing.

I do enjoy being in the beginner groups and observing the coaching, but perhaps at somepoint I’ll need to push myself to develop further.

14/11/21 - Paddle Report In attendance: Steve-OooO, Dave-OooO, Jenny-OoOo, Emma-OooO, Gibbi-OooO, Dale-OooO, Adam-oooO, Benji-OoOo, Rhi-OoooO (sorry-OoooOo if I forgot anyone). Halton Rapids at a 0.86(ish). Many worked on skills breaking in and out. Topside surfing, side surfing and some upside down surfing to be seen. Breaking in and out also took place. Real effort put in by lots of the paddlers today glad of the Travel to Paddle. Even saw Nathan Andrews and Alec Feuillade which was a delight. David Horn gave a lesson on dry suit repair which was graciously accepted by some members. I’m shattered! Have an ace week. Your boiiii, $t333√°0o