Shooting the Baffle

halton rapids LDCC whitewater

My local playground

Another great day on my local playground. It was nice level, especially with some newer paddlers in the group. Plenty to play on around the islands, with ferry gliding and eddying out.

I just really enjoyed being out and choosing my own bits of river to play on. I also got some towing practice in, when a Swiftwater Rescue attendee missed his throw line.

Participants: Alan, Arne, Chris N, Darren, Dean, Joshua, Paul B, Paul S, Rhi, Steve, Thomas. With only 1 boat to collect from the hut we were soon away and getting togged up at Halton Mills. Paul S. led the group from a mid-way baffle down to play around the islands, where we worked on our ferry gliding, surfing etc. After Paul S. had explained some of the secrets of hydrodynamics, we shot the big baffle. At noon we all got off, some had other commitments, the remainder had a quick lunch/pitstop. The 2nd run was from the top of the rapids. As we worked our way down, we had the river all to ourselves till we spied the Fireman/Rescue setting up for swim training. Despite 2 throwlines deployed to a swimming fireman, both missed and our intrepid Rhi sprang into action to toe back their bobbing swimmer. Good efforts from everyone today, especially the youth section and our 1st season paddlers. No swimmers from us is also a good result. Paul Britton